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敢想·敢为-国际创业者峰会·深圳站 暨 全球创业者开放平台GEOP发布会 已结束
敢想·敢为-国际创业者峰会·深圳站 暨 全球创业者开放平台GEOP发布会
主办方: 科技寺联合创业空间
时间: 2019-05-25 13:30 ~ 2019-05-25 18:00
地点: (广东深圳)福田区福华路一号大中华国际交易广场大中华深圳喜来登酒店西翼 6楼 景厅

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GEOP | 全球创业者开放平台-为创业者赋能



GEOP | Empowers Entrepreneurs

The recent development of the Greater Bay Area has spurred great interests from foreign entrepreneurs seeking opportunities in potentially landing their businesses in China. The Futian government is committed to providing support and convenience for global companies, and thus Futian has become one of the most popular destination for global entrepreneurs. At the same time, an increasing number of Chinese companies laid their eyes on the global market and set their “going global” strategy for better futures.

本次峰会期间,全球创业者开放平台GEOP (Global Entrepreneur Open Platform) 将邀请战略合作伙伴分享全球科技新格局,结合粤港澳大湾区的政策,用全球化的眼光多元化的思维 ,助力外国创业者在中国的创业浪潮及中国创业者的出海之路,建立国际创业者全球赋能联盟!

全球创业者开放平台GEOP(Global Entrepreneur Open Platform), 旨在成为全球创业者的 Gateway,建立全球创业者赋能联盟,链接全球顶尖合作机构,在全球技术、金融、创投、媒体、人力、法律、数据报告、创业组织等领域建立战略合作伙伴,帮助创业者于全球核心科技中心城市的全方位落地,为创业者赋能!

During the event, TechTemple along with its strategic partners will launch the Global Entrepreneur Open Platform (GEOP). 

With speakers from GEOP launching partners, the summit will showcase the convergence of the latest trends in the multi-national collaborations on how a global vision empowers international entrepreneurs.

GEOP aims to connect tech hubs in different geographical locations and provide a network that truly empowers entrepreneurs with a global vision with strategic partners in Fund Raising, Technology, Marketing, Talents, Media, and Community.

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全球国际创业者开放平台GEOP(Global Entrepreneur Open Platform),旨在成为全球创业者的 Gateway,在全球提供技术、金融、创投、媒体、人力、法律、数据报告、创业组织等方面支持,为创业者赋能!



创投机构通过GEOP, 将接触到更多有国际化视野创新的项目,并可以联动联盟战略伙伴资源,为创业者赋能,帮助项目更好的发展。


What to Expect

With partners in Fund Raising, Technology, Marketing, Talents, Media, and Community, the GEOP aims to connect tech hubs in different geographical locations and provide a network that truly empowers entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs, business leaders, innovators, and global visionaries are invited to come and witness the launch of GEOP, a global entrepreneur platform, and learn about how it empowers entrepreneurs to land their business successfully with an international vision.

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活动流程 | Agenda

13:30--14:00  活动签到 

14:00--14:15  开场致辞 

14:15--14:35  创业者的赋能之路及全球新机遇 (王灏,科技寺,创始人)

14:35--14:55  国际创业者及中国项目出海面临的挑战和机遇 (Richard Robinson, 北京大学教授)

14:55--15:15  专注科技创新企业的商业银行如何赋能全球科技创新企业 (嵇崧,浦发硅谷银行,科技创新总监)

15:15--15:45  全球创新与孵化-AWS 如何赋能创业者 (代闻,AWS(亚马逊云服务),解决方案架构师经理)

15:45--16:05  长江创创社区全球新锐创业营 (刘靖 长江创创社区生态合作负责人)

16:05--16:25  AI及5G时代下的新经济产业机会 (徐樊磊,艾瑞咨询,研究总监)

16:25--16:45  创业者如何抓住机遇,乘上大企业创新快车 (牛磊,XNode 创极无限,大企业创新总监)

16:45--17:05  中国科技创新企业如何进入日本市场 (李延光,OPT Holding 株式会社 中国业务开发部经理)

17:05--17:25   圆桌论坛:中国项目出海新机遇

17:25--17:45   圆桌论坛 :国际创业者在深创业经验分享

17:45--18:00  GEOP全球创业者开放平台成立仪式 


13:30--14:00  Registration

14:00--14:15  Opening Remark 

14:15--14:35  How TechTemple Empowers Global Entrepreneurs and seize new opportunities

14:35--14:55  Entrepreneurial Lessons Learned

14:55--15:15  How a Commercial Bank Empower Technology Innovation in Entrepreneurs -- SPD Silicon Velly Bank

15:15--15:45  Innovation and Incubation -- How AWS Empowers Startup Companies

15:45--16:05  CKGSB Chuang@Global Program -- Keep Empowring Global Innovators

16:05--16:25  Opportunities for New Economy Industries in the AI era and the 5G era.-- iResearch

16:25--16:45  Startups, Take the Chance and Innovate with Corporates -- XNode

16:45--17:05  How Chinese Entrepreneurs Access to Japan Market -- OPT Holding


Panel A:

Going Global— Opportunities for Chinese Projects Oversea


Panel B:

How I started  — Global Entrepreneurs Startup Experience in Shenzhen

17:45--18:00  Global Entrepreneur Open Platform (GEOP) Launch Ceremony







